“To break the ice”
Meaning: To make people feel more comfortable in a new situation.
When do we use it?
In a new situation people can be tense and cold like ice. Therefore, we say we need to “break the ice” when we encounter such new situations. By breaking the ice, you are making the situation more comfortable for everyone.
How do we use it?
We use this expression in a new situation.
- The joke I will tell will break the ice.
- The best way to break the ice is to introduce yourself.
- They broke the ice by making me feel welcome.
- My friend had broken the ice the day before by making a fool of
Similar Expressions
- That joke broke the ice.
- That joke opened the way for a new friendship.
- That joke will smooth the path.
- That joke leads the way for the rest of the conversation.
Example in English Conversations
A) What was your first day at your new job like?
B) It was very tense. I struggled to fit in with my colleagues.
A) Maybe you should break the ice by telling them a bit more about yourself.
A) You are welcome to sit with us. We like new company.
B) Thank you for the invitation. I am glad you broke the ice.
A) I heard you will be joining an English JustTalk group tomorrow. Aren’t you nervous?
B) No, I had already broken the ice the first time I went to a JustTalk group.
A) Welcome to your new English class.
B) Thank you for having me. A) Today during the ice breaker, I would like you to introduce yourself.